Capellini with Vegetable Garlic Sauce

Capellini with Vegetable Garlic Sauce

I wasn’t planning to do a pasta dish when I was thinking about my weekly menu but when I was shopping at Sprouts Sunday I noticed this beautiful package of Capellini (angel hair) pasta.  Well this man can only resist things for so long.  I love angel hair pasta.  I instantly thought of a vegetable garlic sauce to pour on top.  One word of caution, if you’re like me and love garlic make sure your significant other enjoys this dish with you or you will never be kissed again.


1 package of Capellini pasta


Olive oil

2 green onions, chopped

1 zucchini, chopped in small pieces

1 yellow squash, chopped in small pieces

3 Roma tomatoes, chopped

1 handful of fresh oregano, chopped

2 tbsp. butter

4 cloves of garlic, chopped

Parmesan cheese, grated

1 handful lemon balm, chopped

1 handful cilantro, chopped


Heat a large pan of water on high heat.  When the water boils add 2 large pinches of salt and your pasta.  Cook for 3 minutes and drain.

In a large skillet over medium heat add olive oil, green onion, zucchini, yellow squash and cook until tender.  Add the tomatoes, salt and pepper, oregano and cook until the tomatoes start to break down.  Remove to a serving bowl.

Add olive oil and butter to your skillet add the garlic and cook stirring often.  Don’t let the garlic brown.  Combine the pasta, vegetables and garlic oil.  Top with parmesan cheese, lemon balm, and cilantro.

12 thoughts on “Capellini with Vegetable Garlic Sauce

  1. I’ve been out of the loop for a while, really ill. But I do see your recipes, and though I don’t have the energy to cook them right now, they always inspire me. Especially your pictures at the top!


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