


My passion to learn about food came about out of necessity when I moved out into the world on my own.

I have also discovered that our health is controlled 80% by what we put into our mouths and eat.  This has really gotten me to look at health and nutrition in a completely different way.  What I have learned since starting this blog has pushed me to know more about getting and keeping good health.  I will share with you what I learn along the way.

I hope you enjoy this adventure with me.

30 thoughts on “About

    • I am overjoyed with the nomination for the Sunshine Award, you are very kind. You are also a very talented blogger and I am learning much following your blog. Congrats on your two nominations and I wish you continued success.


    • Your welcome and thank you. I have been really enjoying blogging meeting so many people from around the world, like yourself. To get awards is over the top.


  1. LOL! Sounds so much like us, with the “what’s in it?” question and “where’s the recipe?” coming from our friends!! Thus, our Kitchen Inventions theme. Glad I ran across your blog. Look forward to more posts.


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